In the anus and rectum, hemorrhoids are enlarged bulging blood vessels which can be found either inside or outside of the anus. If the hemorrhoids are internal they will be inside the rectum and just below the lining of the anus. Bleeding will occur if a bowel movement causes these internal hemorrhoids to rupture. There are other hemorrhoids that are external and can occur near the anus while being covered by a thin layer of skin. These can also bleed if they are ruptured for any reason. Hemorrhoids are often incorrectly associated with conditions such as anal fissures. Conditions such as anal fissures can also result in bleeding and should be treated only specific to their condition. Itching of the anal area can signal that hemorrhoids are present, but there can also be a protruding lump, some blood in the stools after a bowel movement and the dog may experience localized pain.

Cause of Hemorrhoids

Once you know the causes of canine hemorrhoids it can be easy to find a way to relieve and eliminate them for your dog. Canine hemorrhoids can be simply expressed as expanded blood vessels. Too much pressure in the rectum can cause canine hemorrhoids after the dog sits for too long or if they become constipated. The exact cause of canine hemorrhoids is not known, but it is believed that diet may play a part. It is important to visit the veterinarian right away if you suspect canine hemorrhoids so that treatment can be started immediately.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

There may not be any symptoms visible with internal canine hemorrhoids since they are inside the anus and the dog doesn’t have very many nerve endings here. Bleeding is often the first sign that occurs with internal canine hemorrhoids. When bleeding occurs it becomes extremely important to seek veterinary care right away since the veterinarian will be able to prescribe the right medications to give your dog relief from the hemorrhoids. The veterinarian will also be able to give you guidelines towards preventing future canine hemorrhoids. There may be more visible symptoms when it comes to external canine hemorrhoids. The dog may show signs of itching, discomfort, burning and pain. Obviously symptoms such as this would require immediate treatment by a licensed veterinarian.

Treatment for Hemorrhoids

It isn’t very easy to find a simply treatment for canine hemorrhoids since they are very uncommon. In fact most dogs never experience hemorrhoids in their life. Many of the human medications for hemorrhoids such as creams and ointments can also work for dogs. Your veterinarian will suggest the proper hemorrhoid medication and dose to help relieve your dogs’ symptoms. Although most of the treatment options for hemorrhoids today will not be able to completely get rid of your dog hemorrhoids.

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