Holistic health avoids traditional medical practices and seeks to restore health by returning the human body to harmony by a variety of unique channels and methods. Humans have grown to accept holistic health alternatives to traditional medicine.

While holistic medicine has not achieved complete mainstream appeal, the growth of acupuncture, yoga, chiropractic medicine, and aromatherapy shows that holistic medicine has a legion of fans. In fact, holistic medicine is growing to include pets. Yes, you read that correctly, pets.

A World of Pet Holistic Medicine

Holistic pet health has become a reality in our world.

No, your dog is not going to go out and buy a stack of new age books. Nor is your cat going to forgo meat and switch to a fruitarian diet. Canaries are not going to apply for medical marijuana. But their owners are looking for alternative holistic pet health methods to ensure a higher quality of life for their beloved pets. And our pets are pretty thankful for it.

One Kind Of Holistic Pet Health Methods

Vitamins and nutritional supplements are at the center of the most common holistic pet health methods. Avoiding unnatural and unhealthy “standard” pet food, holistic nutritional supplements provide organic food and vitamins that aid the organ functions of dogs, cats and other common pets.

While some may feel an animal can eat anything, this is not an accurate statement. Why? Because if humans continue to feed animals unnatural processed food that is not part of their natural, evolutionary diet, then pet’s will start to suffer from many of the same health problems that humans do.

The Other Kind of Holistic Pet Health Methods

The second type of holistic pet health methods is providing physical care to an animal that is different from traditional vet medicine. This is not a knock on the science of animal medicine, but an acknowledgement that alternative means of pet care are available.

For example, in the Northeast United States, there are a number of pet chiropractors. In fact, one such chiropractor in Pennsylvania helps restore proper hip function to an injured dog. The chiropractor was recommended after several vets advised putting the dog to sleep.

In this situation, it is fairly clear that the chiropractor’s holistic approach was the more appropriate treatment. And, the example of this dog and her chiropractor is a tremendous endorsement of keeping an open mind towards the benefits of holistic medicine.

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