Dogs are wonderful pets, always there when you reach for hem with a wagging tail and friendly face; that must be the reason why they are the number one choice of pet with families in the US. Dog have the same type of diseases like us and one of them is hemorrhoids. In dogs just like in humans hemorrhoids occur due to strain during bowel movement and sometimes, in dogs due to sitting down. Hemorrhoids are formed in the rectum area due to straining of the blood vessels and in dog just like in humans they can also occur due to a medical condition, old age, pregnancy and even due to poor diet; here are a few guidelines that will help you recognize the disorder and get treatments as soon as possible.

Symptoms Of Dog Hemorrhoids

Blood in the stool is the first symptoms you should watch for in dog hemorrhoids especially if you take your dog in public places to do his needs and therefore need to clean after him, which will bring you in close proximity of the stool. If the dog has external hemorrhoids then he may face itching, burning and even pain due to the irritation that can occur when the dog will try to deal with the itching and burning by dragging his torso on the ground in an attempt to stop the itching and burning.

Treating Dog Hemorrhoids

If you have the slightest doubt that your dog is suffering from hemorrhoids you need to see a vet right away in order to determine the diagnostic because there are a few other diseases that may have similar symptoms therefore don’t try to medicate your dog at home. Dog hemorrhoids are treated very similar to human hemorrhoids and that is through suppository is they are internal and through cream if they are external; you can also get them removed through surgery if the vet suggests it to be the best form of treatment. Hemorrhoids are not a life threatening disease if treated as soon as it is diagnosed however, it can promote cancer when left untreated for long periods of time not to mention the discomfort and pain that can increase in the process.

Other Helpful Tips On Dog Hemorrhoids

A closer look at your dog’s diet may help your pet in the future to prevent hemorrhoids; ensure your dog has a healthy diet with the necessary fiber, water and plenty of exercise. Also watching the treats that you feed your dog may help, as often they are the ones that promote constipation and/or diarrhea.

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